I’ve chosen to create an editorial project because the object "book" represents the symbol of the custody of memory and the word.

In this way the book documents and preserves the memory of a bakery’s product from Romagna, typical of the area from Imola: the Rìcciola. This  is a publishing project that tells the story of a product, a symbol of a beauty and grace typical of handcrafted bakery.

Through a narrative of testimonials, documentary and archive photographs, the pastry chef family Ricci reveals precious stories showing one of the unknown faces of the rìcciola from Imola.

Documentary photography

The book consists of: interviews with local chefs that evoke memories and images of this product, excerpts from books and manuals about the history of Emilia Romagna’s gastronomy, quotations and photographs.


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scaandalo ©  2025